Day of CNC and CAD
Join us on Saturday 21st April for a day of learning about CAD packages and CNC machines.
Tickets are £10 including booking fee, and will include some CAD training as well as the ability to make what you draw on a CNC machine. There will be some experienced people around, as well as a few machines to play with.
From 12:00 – around 18:00 on the day, you’ll be taught to draw with free CAD package DraftSight ( http://www.3ds.com/products/draftsight/overview/ ), then make a simple maze puzzle to take home. The training part will include generally useful techniques for making more complex shapes out of simpler ones, which to an extent will carry over to any other packages you pick up later.
Please bring a laptop if you have one. If you don’t but you’d still like to come and learn, let me know and we’ll see what we can do. We will also have copies of DraftSight there, but it’s free and if you have it downloaded and installed already, that would be handy.