Arduino Sunday Mk. II
Following the popularity of our Arduino Sundae workshop last August we’ve decided to run another!
12:00pm Sunday 27th March 2011
This time the event will be for those with some experience as well as beginners.
Arduino 101 For Beginners – A beginners kit will be available as well as tuition on getting started with Micro-controllers. As well as group tuition, one-on-one help will be available from experienced teachers and hackers who can help you learn more!
Arduino 2.0 For Progressors – The new Hackerspace rooms and tools will be available to you as well as expert one-on-one help. You’ll be able to make progress with your project as well as discuss all things Arduino with experts and other enthusiasts in an environment ideally suited to rapid prototyping!
Workshop Only – £20 Bring your own Arduino & other items
Workshop with Arduino Budget Kit – £40 kit includes the new Arduino Uno
Register your interest here or by emailing info@nottinghack.co.uk
Arduino Sundae power point presentation
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