Arduino Evening: Motor Control on Thursday, 20 March

Arduino Robot Base by Chris Palmer
Following the success of the Introduction to Arduino workshops, James Fowkes will also be running a new series of regular Arduino evenings, looking at specific aspects of the Arduino platform.
Great for anyone who’s been on the Introduction workshop and wants to play around more with this system, the first evening is on Thursday, 20 March, from 7:30 to 9:30.
This evening will focus on motor control, with James giving a short talk on the major kinds of motors you’re likely to encounter in your Arduino projects, including simple DC, brushless DC (BLDC), steppers, and servos, and how each one is driven. Then it’s time to get stuck into making things move!
You can bring your own Arduino and laptop if you want some hands-on experience, or you can watch and listen. Either way, you’ll learn a lot about motors and how to make your next project move!
Tickets are £5 and are available now. Spaces are limited, so buy your tickets now.