Become a Member
Attending a tour is essential for becoming a member. We will inform you of what equipment and rooms we have, how the space operates, how much it costs, and how to join. The tour is informal, take up to an hour and allow questions – so please raise anything you want to ask. Our membership tour runs every Wednesday at 19:00.
To attend the tour, please book a free ticket using Eventbrite – this helps ensure our volunteers are not overwhelmed with too many people on one night, and allows us to let you know if we need to cancel it due to illness.
For any enquiries about membership, please email
We also have a lot of information about membership in our handy guide.
Membership is based on a ‘Pay What You Think Is Right’ system, with a small minimum. Whatever you think is appropriate for how you use the space, that’s what your membership costs per month.
Perhaps you want to use the hackspace regularly, frequently using the consumables and tools to make stuff. Or perhaps you just want to support the Hackspace a little, making a small monthly contribution and dropping in from time to time. However you want to be involved, you decide on an appropriate membership fee.
To function and expand, Nottinghack needs your support. The hackspace is paid for entirely by membership fees, donations and workshop charges, and is run as a non-profit. Whatever money we make beyond the basic monthly costs of running the space is reinvested in consumables and tools for members to hack with.
If we are running a workshop and you want to get involved, or if you want to use some of the resources a donation is appropriate. Non-members are welcome to attend any workshop or event run by Nottinghack, and the charges for these are detailed in advance.
Advantages of Membership:
- An option to storage your projects at the space in a 37L Box
- Use of the Hackspace tools & equipment
- 24 hour access to the Hackspace
- WiFi access
- Use of shared components, consumables, donated items as well as tea & coffee
- Discounts on Events & Workshops
- Access to our online Discord community
- A vote on purchases of new equipment
- Opportunity to run workshops if desired
- May attend the AGM and be elected to the Board of Trustees
There are only 2 rules about membership fees:
1. Members pay what they feel the space is worth to them for membership on a monthly basis.
2. If you are paying less than you are taking from the Hackspace you’ll be politely asked to increase your monthly payments.
What is the process for becoming a member?
The first and most important step is to attend a tour. We run these every Wednesday at 7pm – please book using the Eventbrite link above. Each tour is for up to 10 people and demand varies throughout the year. If you want to visit us in a large group, we’d recommend emailing the membership team to arrange a separate tour.
At the end of the tour, you will be asked to provide your email address using our web form. You will then receive an invitation to join the hackspace. This invitation link is valid for six months from the date of the tour. We would recommend signing up as soon as you receive the invitation – you do not have to begin paying until you want to become a member.
Once you have signed up, you will have access to our Hackspace Management System, and will receive an email containing details for sending membership payments. This is by standing order, which ensures payments are under your control. There are no commitments – you can cancel your standing order at any time.
Once your first payment is detecting (this can take 1-2 working days), you will receive a welcome email which includes instructions for collecting your membership card. This process can be done by yourself at anytime – if you’d prefer assistance, pop in between 18:30 and 19:00 on a Wednesday evening – someone will be available to help you register the card.