This email has gone to all Hackspace Members
The voting period for the vacant Nottingham Hackspace Trustee positions is about to open, allowing you to cast your ballot for the candidates of your choice.
The voting period will start on Saturday, 25th May, at 00:01 and go on until Friday, 31st May, at 23:59.
There are four positions vacant this year, with five potential candidates. The candidates are:
- Mark Thompson
- Eddie Podgorski
- Samathy Barratt
- Dan Spencer
- Dom Marshall
You can see each candidate on our election page: https://wiki.nottinghack.org.uk/wiki/2019-05-25_Election
For the election, we use Single Transferable Vote. For a guide on how Single Transferable Vote works, we recommend reading about Dennis the Election Koala: http://www.chickennation.com/2013/08/18/you-cant-waste-your-vote/
Along with the five nominees, we will also have “Re-Open Nominations” (RON) on the ballot as a sixth nominee. If RON is elected, a new election will be run for the remaining positions. Any candidate that beats RON will become a trustee, while any candidate that is beaten by RON may re-nominate themselves for the next election.
You can read more about how the election process works in Section 5 of the Hackspace Constitution: https://wiki.nottinghack.org.uk/wiki/Constitution
We will be running the election on Opavote, an independent website. You can find out more about Opavote here: https://www.opavote.com/
If you have any questions about the election, please contact the Trustees at trustees@nottinghack.org.uk.
This year, the returning officer is James Fowkes. We’d like to thank him for volunteering his time for this essential role.
Ali, Andrew, Ian, James A, James T, Matt, and Russell
Nottingham Hackspace Trustees