Introduction to Arduino Workshop on Saturday 2nd March 2019
James Fowkes and Ian Dickinson are planning to re-run the popular Introduction to Arduino Workshop on Sat 2nd March 2019 11:00 am to 4:00 pm at Nottingham Hackspace.
This is a great way to get started with the Arduino and requires no previous knowledge of electronics or software. You will start by getting a LED to flash (the beginning of all great electronics projects), and progress to adding switch inputs, controlling a motor and reading analogue sensors.
Cost for the workshop is £25 with all money (less Eventbrite fees) going to the hackspace.
Arduino starter kits will be provided for use at the workshop. We will also have starter kits (£35) and Arduino Unos (£18) available for sale.
To book, please visit: http://hsnottsarduino19.eventbrite.co.uk
This workshop is limited to 15 places, but as this event often sells out, early booking is advised.
Feedback from a recent attendee: “Attended recent workshop, it really is very professionally run! The trainers inspirational and empathetic to slower learners, supporting material is well organised relevant to the workshop, reasonably paced. The logistics flawless all students had what we needed on a desk when the class started and at each section as we advanced through the projects, Congrats to everyone involved.”