AGM re-run: Thursday 24th January 2019 @ The Hackspace
Email to all Members from the Trustees
As you may be aware, we were unable to conduct the AGM in November as planned as unfortunately we had insufficient members represented either in person or by proxy to be quorate. Our constitution requires 20% of the membership to be represented at the AGM. As a result of this we need to re-run the meeting.
The date for the Nottingham Hackspace Annual General Meeting (AGM) re-run is Thursday, 24 January 2019. It will be held in the Hackspace Classroom (downstairs). Doors will open at 7.30pm and the meeting will begin promptly at 8:00pm.
If you’re a member of Nottingham Hackspace, you need to attend in person or allocate a proxy to represent you at the meeting. We have a number of special resolutions we need you to vote on.
Proxy Voting
If you can’t make the AGM in person, you can make a proxy vote, whereby another member will attend and submit vote(s) on your behalf. If you’d like to register as a proxy voter, or alternatively if you are able to attend and would like to volunteer as a proxy, please add your name to the wiki list at: https://wiki.nottinghack.org.uk/wiki/2019-01-24_AGM_Proxy_Votes
For the AGM to happen we need 130 members represented. This is the required quorum as per our constitution. As per section 1.129 of our Articles of Association, if we do not have a total of 130 members (present and proxy voters) then we will not be able to conduct any business and will have to rearrange the AGM for another time.
The agenda for the AGM will be as per the 23 November meeting and is available here: https://wiki.nottinghack.org.uk/wiki/2019-01-24_AGM_Agenda
Thank you for being a Hackspace member this past year, and we look forward to seeing you or your proxy at the meeting.
Kind regards,
Nottingham Hackspace Trustees