Join us at the Nottingham Hackspace 2.5 Fundraiser Party!
We’re upgrading, renovating, and making everything awesomer at Nottingham Hackspace!
And YOU can help us by coming to our party!
DRINK specially designed cocktails from our fully automated cocktail making robot, Barbot!
EAT treats prepared by Antenna and cakes made by Hackspace members!
BID on gifts, gadgets, and more designed by Hackspace members!
TEST your wits with our Mini Nerd Quiz!
SEE exciting demos and games built by Hackspace members!
All proceeds go to supporting the space in our renovation project to make us the largest hackspace in the UK.
The party’s at Antenna on Thursday, 24 March starting at 8pm.
Tickets are on sale now, with £7.50 getting you in the door and £10 getting you in the door and a cocktail from BarBot.
See you there!