Your Hackspace Needs You!
On 22nd May at 8pm in the Studio will be the Nottingham Hackspace Annual General Meeting!
This gathering of members is by far the most exciting, interesting, awe-inspiring and enlightening couple of hours in the Hackspace calendar!
Ok, it’s actually pretty much like a member’s meeting, but it is something that we have to do to ensure the Hackspace can continue to run, and we need you attend. In order to complete the year properly and file our accounts, the meeting must be quorate, which means at least 52 members need to be there.
So please make every effort to come to the meeting, or register a proxy vote with the trustees by emailing them at
At the AGM, we will start the elections for our new trustees, so if you are interested in becoming a trustee, please email by Sunday 4th May. You must include your full legal name, a photograph of yourself and a paragraph about why you want to be a trustee.
You can see examples from our current trustees on the Board Wiki Page.
From next year, the trustees will take on more responsibility for the strategy of the space – where are we going in the next few years, and how are we going to get there. Additionally, they will have ultimate responsibility for all the teams, although they will not necessarily be involved in the day to day running.
We hope to see you all at the AGM!